

This is the first day (and the first LIVE text) of the GIRVINVIRGIN blog @ girvin.com. Scroll over the GIRVIN brandmark, and there it will be. Soon.
It’s not going to be the first entry (per se > chronologically) — and it’s really not on a day that has any symbolic value (other than, for some, the last working day of the year), but it’s an opening.


I realized that there’s a lot of writing created that attaches to strategy and design — how these things work together. I thought that might be interesting for other people to explore. And comment on.
And I also realized that there are other people at Girvin with things to say about these things, and other designalia, attached to the Girvin practice, or maybe their own personal relevant considerations, that are interesting. Good to get those ideas in play, too.
But, in any creative, it’s the content, the heart and containment of the idea that’s important. And if you have it, feel it, dream it — then share it.


I suppose, then, I should open with this explication — my personal challenges with the word: (we)blog.
Various entries define this in the following manner — and etymological history is recent:
blog (blŏg)

n. A weblog.
intr.v. blogged, blog·ging, blogs

To write entries in, add material to, or maintain a weblog.

blog·ger n.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition

Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.



1. a shared on-line journal where people can post diary entries about their personal experiences and hobbies; “postings on a blog are usually in chronological order” [syn: web log]

1. read, write, or edit a shared on-line journal
So there are two things for consideration. One, the notion of a live, accessible, editable journal. And two, the link to the web. I like those two connections — live and web.
But the curtailment of the word is embarrassing somehow. It would be like thinking of a new phrasing of journal as urnal. U R, in text speak, nal. Pronounced, URnal. More cool ideas p_____ down the drain.
Contrarian — I propose this — d.log. The etymological breakdown would be —
design log

daily log

I propose that the real ignition here is not the web, which is as commonplace as electricity, but rather the dialog, shared. And it’s that concept that I find of interest. Worth changing, commenting on. What about log? Someone surely knows about that. Could it be something to write on — an old log? Or is it the time notching of the passing log in the ship, floating by in increments. 1670 is the opening use. Rutters, logged?
So I offer that. D.log.

Day one (with backfill as gathered!)

Happy new year!


Tim Girvin

Principle | GIRVIN