The importance of designing human

Remembering who the ultimate client is

I was talking to a client about the strategy of his brand — mostly operations, organizational planning and construction — and I asked him, “what about the people, what’s their connection?” He looked at me, aghast, it was like he hadn’t thought about them — either in the context of his clients, or in the context of his people, those that work for, and with, him.

It’s an intriguing remembrance, recalling both the foundational nature of the work, as designers and creatives — who, really, are we working for? Sure, you might engage in a study of focused interception, consumer group testing, but who, really, are you talking to? Who are you working for?

These days, the critical nature of relationships in community, can offer a core insight to attentiveness; that is — “when you’re building a brand, it is for you, or your audience, your community, your customers? Perhaps more often in the case of leadership, the instinctual jab is “I know this, it’s mine, I made it, I know who needs it.” Sometimes the leading intention is, as often in the case of engineering products, that it’s that the mere coolness is the driver, when it might be a jump for a custom-er to exclaim,
“I don’t get this, what’s it do, what’s the point?”

Point is — any of us might design a solution that is the leading edge of inventive orchestration, the new coolness, the shear wow of brand wonder, but the core is — who is the story for, what language is its telling, why would anyone listen and finally, most importantly, will they care?

Design with a person, a group, a circle, a collective in mind and the lessons, the layers of messaging, the tiering of telling will ignite the spark of insight and engagement; enchantment is engaged.
Human is touch, grasping sensations in the sphere of empowerment, emotionality is intertwined in the rhythm of mingling threads in the weave of the certain clutch of amazement, we can’t forget why we’re here, what we’re doing.

For who, for what, for how.
For now.

Tim | Girvin Island Studios

The Strategy of Holism | Emotionality
and Design Engineering

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