by Tim Girvin | Concepts, General | Jul 12, 2011
WHAT FIRE COMES IN A HOSE? Watching fire, I see a channel, it’s a breathing entity — while there is wind, the fire inhales and there is a kind of beautiful translation. I can’t take my eyes off of the smolder, the coals, the roaring Anything that has...
by Tim Girvin | Concepts, Trends | Jan 10, 2011
The palettes of brand — the soul of color What could be the nature of the story — how do they align? Surely there are emotional states to color, but the idea of coloration in relationship to brand, and to the transitioning of experiences is an interesting...
by Tim Girvin | Artists, Brands, Concepts | Oct 15, 2010
Le Saut dans le Vide (Leap into the Void); Photomontage by Harry Shunk of a performance by Yves Klein Rue Gentil-Bernard, Fontenay-aux-Roses, October 1960. When the experiencer comes to the sensing of color, even brand color, what is the grasp, the embracement of...
by Tim Girvin | Concepts, Cool People, General | Jan 24, 2009
( Explorations on color, meaning and experience. And Michelle. Surely I can’t offer an presentment on the concept of the implication of color , the symbolism, let alone the depth of experience that exists in the trade on color trending...