by Tim Girvin | Concepts, Human brands | Dec 26, 2012
When I was in Bhutan, high in the misted Himalayan mountains, I’d spied a remote monastery and spoke to my guide, Tsewang Nidup about “getting up there.” We did get up there, like nearly every other lonely vista we aspired to summit —...
by Tim Girvin | Scent | Oct 19, 2012
The scent, the mist, the water. Morning crossing, Fidalgo Straits. (Photo credits ©Tim Girvin, 2010) Exploring the mist of scent, place and recollections Reaching back, in history and memory — a series of notations and reflections, about the heart of experience...
by Tim Girvin | Places | Nov 11, 2007
remote connections Kuensel Newspaper On-line Article Link —– At the request of editor Dasho Kinley Dorji, Editor in Chief, Kuensel, Thimphu, Bhutan —- I recently toured Bhutan. And it was a long-held dream for me. Some 40 years earlier, in teaching...