
Look out, lookout | Brand Sentinels

The Outlook, the Lookout and Looking Out And looking in, to Brand Experience Design. As designers, we’re looking in, and looking out. And in our experience with brand management, it’s never, alone, only the looking in — the insights of inner seeing. But too, it’s the...

Anytime? Are you always on?

Anytime? In the work of brand, are you ever off, or always on? I was walking this remote road, and I found this sign in the middle of anywhere, no where — “ANYTIME.” When I find signs like this, I’m prone to ponder their meaning — as if...


The Waves of Brand Story from the Light When I walk into a place, I think about what I feel. When I watch a person — in my room, my immediate space, I watch them wholly. When I look at, read a story, I try to sense it, that telling, before I do anything else. I...

Brand Braille

*10. MARKETING: INNOVATIVE BRANDING AND MARKETING TRENDS. TIM GIRVIN, designer and founder of GIRVIN, discusses a new expression: Brand Braille. Tim describes this a sa metaphor – a way to transmit a brand message through the creation of a distinctive pattern that...