by Tim Girvin | Concepts, Cool People, Designers, General, Incubation | Jul 16, 2012
Building a wave, rippling out innovation and incubation strategies In the past, [1943 / Burbank] there was a team that built a remote, offsite-working, brainstorming and product innovation model called the skunkworks. Supposedly, the origination of the skunkworks...
by Tim Girvin | Brands, Concepts, Storytelling | Oct 10, 2011
(iPhoneZenBrush) THE CARTOGRAPHY OF DESIGN THINKING | Part two Doodles, scribbles, mapping and documentation: Brandquesting®, brand navigation and creative brand business applications for the iPad People fire brands — brands are created by people for people...
by Tim Girvin | Concepts, Storytelling, Trends | Feb 1, 2011
Olivier Beauchesne at Science-Metrix The flow of innovations and the interplay of minds. There was an idea, an inspiration, and it was shared, and went from one to another, and another. Then the world knew. It’s interesting that the idea of genius — the...