
The Perfume of Books

Studying the Holism of Textual Contemplation [Reading]. In a manner, everything we do as designers comes back to an attribute of reading — that is: how we hold something, how we touch, taste, smell, hear, seek balance and intuit content are all manners of reading...

The World of Books

The compulsion of building libraries — collections of books and the perpetual love of books, more books and books piled high — everywhere. My daughter, Gabrielle, is the official library Matrix of GIRVIN. Since she’s been working there at our Pike Place Offices...

ABRACADABRA | Alphabet Amulets

I got a note from some friends at the Oxford English Dictionary. It was about this word, “abracadabra” — and perhaps you’ve got the same one, since you might have friends there too. Earlier in my life, studying the history of the word, the real...


The scent of dust. The perfume of the journey. The spice of the road. I am sorting through a collection of delicate, sacred books. They come from many places, but like a bundled sanctum, they are all together — near by each other, in the darkness of a room that...

The Book, the Portal, the Library, the Mind

The Collection of Books, the Library as a Place of Sensual Imagining. I’ve been writing about the concept of the book in a multiplicity of layers. I see the book as being a deeper metaphor than merely the concept of a series of paper flanges that leaf, loosely,...