
Could it be old, then new, and beautiful?

RETHINKING ANCIENT DESIGN — REMADE NOW, NEW. I’m interested in the idea of old [even ancient] design strategies rethought, to new principles of action. My own history is about scouring and memorizing 2,500 years of alphabetic history, and dreaming new...

The letter

The very center of the work that I do lies here, in the heart of the letterform. There can be just that one touch, that relates to the person. D.4-D. The letter, big or small, translates to content. c1460 G. ASHBY Policy Prince 648 Poems (E.E.T.S.) 33 Yf god sende you...

Beowulf: the movie

Beowulf What calls, from ancient halls, the spirit of that other distant world, far more than a thousand and five hundred years back in the balled skein of time? Beowulf! Palaeography, or the history of the written world has long been a strategic underpinning of what...

Notes on The Matrix design

There’s another symbolic value to the O and the 1 beyond the nature of the digital translation of content and interpretation. O, the curved enclosure — is, in sequence etymologically — from Sanskrit — the sunya; Arabic, sifr; Medieval Latin,...