

BRANDQUEST® INNOVATIONS AND NEW BRAND DEVELOPMENT Engaging leadership brand champions: studying the patterning of innovation, the struggle of the paradigm and the modeling of breaking brands free. As a business person, a planner, and a student of enterprise...

Emergency Branding

Brand Medicine, 101. In our history, there are times when brand, their organic systems, begin to falter. — They don’t speak to a community, or they forgot who they were talking to, what they were relating, carrying a story and a product to a certain audience. As in...

Love the New

And Recall the Old Strategies of brand innovation and evolution patterning. Newness. Wowness. Feelingness. Going forward and going back in the quest for the newness of change. IN THE JOURNEY OF ANY ONE, THE QUEST FOR THE NEW WILL BE IN THE HEART, AND THE HEAT, OF...


Sparking innovation and change. There is legitimacy to the metaphor of Fire. Girvin, the team — and Girvin, the family — are fierce lovers of fire. We’ve noted that earlier. But any fire starts with a spark, which can be the beginning of a perceived...

Lifecycle of Innovation

Rethinking rethinking — and the cycle of innovation — finding wowness. What is life but a string of refreshments — a discovering: a way of seeing, momentarily — a challenge, a cast-out idea, a gesture to newness, wowness as the surprised state...

the final stroke

…. I’d written about Ken earlier, the work that he was doing on this sidewalk. I’d surely offer that Tony Goldman, the developer, should be applauded for his winning (and willing) innovation. Must be a visionary, to implement this street art, as an...