

THE MOST EXPENSIVE PERFUME IN THE WORLD A happier scent. It might be said that the most valuable perfume there could be would be your personal scent — the layering of molecular expressions that gather everything from your being, your roadwork, scenes seen — the way...

Spice and Perfume

The Legacy of Fragrance Design and Perfume, Taste Innovation and Spice Strategy In a workshop in Oregon, we studied the layering of taste and scent in new product development innovation summits. What came clear in the study group was a kind of synaesthesia of...

The Perfume of Trees

Earth head down, to the roots and up to the wood [above: a pitch burl from a pine in the Grand Canyon] As a person that walks the woods, it is a place that is alive with scent. The mystery of the trees, in their own complex and profoundly beautiful ecosystem, takes...

The Perfume that is You

You smell. Where you go, where you’ve been, what you remember is what holds you. You have a scent, whether you’re wearing a perfume or not. And you’ve smelled things, places you’ve been, things you’ve remembered. What were they? The point...


THE PERFUME THAT FOLLOWS YOU. As you’re walking the street, a hallway, a waft of scent flows by. Multiple “perfumes of place” drift — if you’re open, you’re scenting them. As well, you’re scenting — the fragrance of you,...

The Scent of a Woman, Imagined

The Imagination of Designing Fragrance Perfume is a storytelling — it’s a layering of tellings that translate to the alchemy of ingredients. Woods, resins, tinctures of flowers, aromatic leaves, natural ingredients, all combine to build a story that allows...