
The Turning Path

WHICH WAY, GO YOU? THE TURNING PATH THE PATH THAT TURNS, AND TURNS AGAIN. EVERY TIME, BACK TO A PLACE. SNOW IS FALLING. A DEEPER COLD EMERGES. And, in the blinding snow, the sun is so bright that the trees are lit from beneath, it’s a brilliant day. Light filled. Out...

The Sign That Has No Name

Rangelands, New Mexico — a long and blank expanse. Then there’s a sign. But it’s presuming something: you know where you’re going. I was transversing high desert rangelands, crossing the state, in a journey to a Monastery out in the desert. On the way there, I saw a...

Can you get thru?

The inward and outward flow of brand experience design. I was trying to make a connection with a team, a brand, and — like most of you — I was on-hold, then waiting, then holding, then waiting — and finally; and I was passed along to another, who had no clue about my...

What could be worse?

There are bad signs, and then there are worse signs. In the journey of a designer of signing and related environmental graphics — the core point of the design strategy is storytelling — the story might be: this is the place; go here, do not go here, you...

The Tarot of Your Journey

Designing Divination — the Craft of your Path Built by Hand and Shown in the Throw The pick of the draw — and the drawing out, the woven journey, the thread of path, and the cartography of the psyche. What you see is what you get; what you get is what you...


WHAT LANGUAGE: YOUR MESSAGE? WHAT CALL: YOUR PLEA? WHAT TONE: YOUR HOPE? HOW LOUD:  YOUR REACH? Sometimes I’m asking for help. But I’m not asking for help in the right way. One calls out, but the call falls on deafness. The point might be that the call is...


L E A D E R S H I P M A G N E T I S M In the modeling of a group of people, there is invariably a “power pole.” Working with people, I look for that energized place of energy. Who’s there? In the clustering of people, there is the layering of the...