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Search results for: Wellness

Project: Fungi Perfecti

Fungi Perfecti The Challenge Chasing the vast mycelium For decades, Paul Stamets has been renowned as a passionate believer in the power of fungi not only for both human health and and ecosystems planet-wide. As an avid scientific researcher, author, natural forager...

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Blog: Rippling

The Waves of Brand Story from the Light When I walk into a place, I think about what I feel. When I watch a person — in my room, my immediate space, I watch them wholly. When I look at, read a story, I try to sense it, that telling, before I do anything else. I...

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Blog: The design…

The crafted design of layered stories, the mischief [and surprise] of what is unseen, and hidden — and the obvious ploy to plotted attention: the art of intentional concealment, personal secrets [held and shared], storytelling explication and the unfolding of...

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Blog: Ebola and Rebranding

EBOLA AND BRANDING OR REBRANDING. I was talking to a GIRVIN colleague about the CDC’s management of the Ebola viral spread — from Africa, now stateside. That might be a question to rebranding [the CDC — to reliability,] as well. We’d talked about the legacy of their...

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Blog: Journey to the Light

Exploring the heart and soul of brand, story and personality There’s a journey in getting to the heart of brand, and in a manner, it will be about finding the light that lies at the end of that voyage, or in the center of that conclave. I’m always looking...

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Blog: The flow of Flowers

Drawing People [in] with Flowers, the Flow of Story in the Craft of Rendering Ideas In my beginnings, I drew flowers — and sold them as art pieces and gifts; then, at Christmas, I did groupings of flowers, silkscreened and signed in limited editions of...

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